History of Contamination......
Who, what, when, where, and why did this happen?
Prior to 1970's laws did not exist. Here in town it was no holds barred. Local government and it's officials did what they wanted whenever they wanted. Along came the EPA in the 1970's and made laws to stop pollution by making it illegal to further contaminate the Air, Soils, and water in communities and found it essential to protect human health, and the environment.
The Town of Greenwich, to date lacks compliance, in various past and present practices causing "you" the tax payer to pay twice. Once at the beginning of Municipal Improvement projects and again after contaminates, some which they had prior knowledge of are discovered.
When pollution arises town officials become dismissive, down play the impairment, point fingers else where, stall, attempt to ignore, and tip toe around these issues concerning public health and safety. Interested parties have even been maimed for their involvement in the efforts to raise awareness and do what is morally right for the community in which they live.
When politics and dollars and cents are at stake, you can guarantee no one wants to be the patsy and will divert attention to these serious issues for as long as humanly possible. The up coming literature will make it evident who the biggest polluters are.
As residents, we all have rights, these rights consist of living in a clean community and enviornment for our children and families, we have the right to vote. We are more powerful than we believe and we most certainly are the blood line of Greenwich.
To ignore these issues proves more costly. Ignorance means higher taxes, declining property values, and health issues now, or in the up and coming years to come.
You can donate and help the community to fund the fight for research, health, soil testing. We can ban together and hold the town accountable, restore and take back control of our community. We live here majority of decision makers don't. We can restore the Town, to one that is safe and healthy for our children and their children for generations to come.
The choice is solely yours as an individual for humanity and being born with a conscience.
What you see in this video could all go away if we don't act as a community.