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Soil Remediation at Armstrong Court....



This is what the Greenwich Housing Authority considers soil remediation for lead. The drip lines of buildings 1-5 tested positive for lead at 440 parts per million.  The threshold for a residential area is 400 anything over 400ppm would need to be remediated.  The soil would have to come out of the ground, a cap (rubber membrane put over and new soil deposited into the area.  In this case, no soil was extracted from the contaminated areas around buildings 1-5 or trucked out of town.  Coincidence?  


Two small piles of soil which likely don't consist of a yard each are spread, seeded and hay distributed along the drip line of building 1. The landscapers even seeded the giant rat trap.  When Michael Long at the Greenwich Health Department was contacted about the plan of action for lead remediation he said the following:

















Well that must be that.  No need to question the Housing Authority's word for it.  They have been so honest and we have had so much transparency from them they are just stewards of doing right by people, and pillar's of the community.


They must be magicians.  In less than a month were able to address the lead in all the apartments and common areas.  Sanding and scraping would require the families be relocated until the work is completed.  They would also need EPARRP Certifications which none of the HATG staff has according to conversations with the EPA.  They are required to get the proper training and certifications in order to touch the lead within the apartments.  So what is really going on here?


Concerned Citizens of Greenwich has spoken with tenants and they have yet to receive any lead disclosure of lead in their dwellings let alone have NOT had or been asked to allow the housing authority "Certified Lead Safe Workers"  to enter their homes to remediate.  


Food for thought..... Cos Cob Power Plant (A Brownfield) $6 Million, GHS $20 Million, Byram Shore $1.9 Million and that can change, New Leb (Unknown) an increased mill rate of 2.75 since 2011 and  Less than a $5 hundred dollar remediation is  okay?


This is not a school or a place to go swim, this is a RESIDENTIAL AREA WHERE PEOPLE LIVE WITH CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 6 MOST SUSEPTABLE TO LEAD POISONING.  WHAT IS THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT THINKING?  WHAT IS THE STATE THINKING? Are laws in place for some and not for all?  Is it unlikely that a small child or adult could carry lead on their shoes walking through the grass and into their homes?  Anything is possible.     


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